Friday, September 13, 2013

Harriet Tubman Sex Tape Comedy or Insult?

I heard some rumblings on the radio last month about the Harriet Tubman sex tape and didn't get a chance to actually see it until today. It was produced by Russell Simmons "All Def Digital Channel" on You Tube which is supposed to take You Tube artist and put their craft on a larger level so that they can become successful in the main stream. However this video, who had two actors and an actress that are well respected people in the You Tube/Comedy world, were criticized and hated on in social media. It was so serious Russell Simmons was asked by the NAACP to take it down. Now I am a person who has thick skin and can be very liberal when it comes to some things including comedy. On the other hand, I have taken quite a few ethics and virtue classes along with counseling courses that have made me more sensitive to things that could offend people especially when it comes to culture.  The question that I am raising is that in the world of comedy, everyone can be poked fun at. There is no topic that is off limits; however, are some topics and some people too sacred that we cannot poke fun and laugh at? Are black folks so sensitive that we cannot poke fun at slavery and laugh at it including racism in the past in the modern day? Is making fun of ourselves serious and sometimes sick history  or a healing or a cleansing on some level? I don't have the answers. I am middle of the road on this issue but I would like to know what you all think about it.  If you find this video I must warn you that it may be offensive. There is no nudity but strong language. If you are a very sensitive person and feel you cannot handle this matter, you may not want to watch the video.  But the out takes are very funny.
Pictures was taken from   

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